Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Text File
124 lines
; File......: TMENU.INC
; Author....: Ted Means
; Date......: $Date: 14 Jun 1991 19:55:04 $
; Revision..: $Revision: 1.1 $
; Log file..: $Logfile: E:/nanfor/src/tmenu.inv $
; This is an original work by Ted Means and is placed in the
; public domain.
; Modification history:
; ---------------------
; $Log: E:/nanfor/src/tmenu.inv $
; Rev 1.1 14 Jun 1991 19:55:04 GLENN
; Minor edit to file header
; Rev 1.0 01 Apr 1991 01:03:58 GLENN
; Nanforum Toolkit
; --------------------------------------
; Include file for TMENU.ASM
; --------------------------------------
Struc MI
PrNum DW ? ; Prompt identifier
PrAtt DB ? ; Prompt attribute
PrLoc DW ? ; Prompt screen location
PrLen DW ? ; Prompt length
PrOfs DW ? ; Prompt offset
PrSeg DW ? ; Prompt segment
LBarAtt DB ? ; Attribute of light bar
LBHKAtt DB ? ; Attribute of hotkey when under
; light bar
MsgAtt DB ? ; Message attribute
MsgLoc DW ? ; Message screen location
MsgLen DW ? ; Message length
MsgOfs DW ? ; Message offset
MsgSeg DW ? ; Message segment
BufOfs DW ? ; Pointer to buffer containing
BufSeg DW ? ; screen contents before the
; message was displayed
HKeyVal DB ? ; Value of hotkey
HKeyAtt DB ? ; Attribute of hotkey
HKeyLoc DW ? ; Location of hotkey on screen
Up DW ? ; Target if up arrow hit
Down DW ? ; Target if down arrow hit
Right DW ? ; Target if right arrow hit
Left DW ? ; Target if left arrow hit
NextOfs DW ? ; Offset of next item
NextSeg DW ? ; Segment of next item
Ends MI
NodePtr EQU DWord Ptr BP - 4 ; Resolves to current node in
; linked list
NodeSeg EQU Word Ptr BP - 2
NodeOfs EQU Word Ptr BP - 4
MenuItem EQU (MI ES:BX) ; Makes for easier syntax
PrPtr EQU DWord Ptr MenuItem.PrOfs
MsgPtr EQU DWord Ptr MenuItem.MsgOfs
BufPtr EQU DWord Ptr MenuItem.BufOfs
NextPtr EQU DWord Ptr MenuItem.NextOfs
SnowFlag EQU 1
KeepFlag EQU 2
ColdFlag EQU 4
WrapFlag EQU 8
HotFlag EQU 16
SKFlag EQU 32
Flags EQU Word Ptr BP - 6
Active EQU Word Ptr BP - 8
VideoBase EQU Word Ptr BP - 10
Last EQU Word Ptr BP - 12
TablePtr EQU DWord Ptr BP - 16
TableOfs EQU Word Ptr BP - 16
TableSeg EQU Word Ptr BP - 14
SetKeys EQU DWord Ptr BP - 20
SKOfs EQU Word Ptr BP - 20
SKSeg EQU Word Ptr BP - 18
SKCount EQU Word Ptr BP - 22
ScanCode EQU Word Ptr BP - 24
Macro CheckSnow
Local Wait
Push AX
Wait: In AL,DX
Test AL,8
JZ Wait
Pop AX
Endm CheckSnow